Saturday, January 19, 2013


My thoughts are of little Ginger-Snap today...2 weeks ago today I had to put her to sleep.  It does feel weird, because she would always walk me to my studio & then get snuggled in her cozy little corner ready to share the day with my while I create.  I think maybe another fur-ball is in my near future...a 'rescue' of with a little more time I will hear the pitter-patter of little paws running around the studio.  Ahhh...a nice sound.  I look forward to that.  Today I'm working on organizing my is a little bit of a mess, imagine that?  Enjoy your weekend!

this is one of my DIGITAL STAMPS you can buy in my ETSY store...
(since I'm thinking of dogs today)

Monday, January 7, 2013


Actually I do have the 'blues' a bit...had to put little Ginger Snap to sleep this weekend.  I think it made it harder because she was Dad's dog first, after he died 2 years ago she kind of attached herself to me, only by default...she wasn't thrilled with anybody but Dad.  Thinking of creating a line of 4 legged creatures with wings...hmmm what to call it?  The naming of a series is always first in my mind...