Saturday, April 6, 2013


YES...Thank god it's Saturday, because tomorrow will be Sunday, the day I do absolutely nothing.  After breakfast I park myself on the sofa with a couple of laptop...magazines...and prepare to watch as bunch of inane TV...well, I guess I can't say Game of Thrones is inane...but Swamp People is.  I think we all deserve one day to be just 'being' know hanging, being lazy & hunkering down.  Sunday is that day for me...hope you all have a day that you treat yourself do indulging everything or nothing. 
exactly...NOW WHAT?

Friday, March 8, 2013


MARCH 8th...what a gorgeous day outside...I think I see that YELLOW orb.  Could that be the SUN?  Yes!!!  Haven't done much in the past month or so except to work on my web site & try to get my portfolio ready to send to NEW REPS.  If anybody has any suggestions as to REPS that they like or think I might be a good fit with, let me know.  I'm sending out emails to over 20 Licensing Reps...crossing my fingers that someone will find my art just the thing they're looking for. 

Saturday, January 19, 2013


My thoughts are of little Ginger-Snap today...2 weeks ago today I had to put her to sleep.  It does feel weird, because she would always walk me to my studio & then get snuggled in her cozy little corner ready to share the day with my while I create.  I think maybe another fur-ball is in my near future...a 'rescue' of with a little more time I will hear the pitter-patter of little paws running around the studio.  Ahhh...a nice sound.  I look forward to that.  Today I'm working on organizing my is a little bit of a mess, imagine that?  Enjoy your weekend!

this is one of my DIGITAL STAMPS you can buy in my ETSY store...
(since I'm thinking of dogs today)

Monday, January 7, 2013


Actually I do have the 'blues' a bit...had to put little Ginger Snap to sleep this weekend.  I think it made it harder because she was Dad's dog first, after he died 2 years ago she kind of attached herself to me, only by default...she wasn't thrilled with anybody but Dad.  Thinking of creating a line of 4 legged creatures with wings...hmmm what to call it?  The naming of a series is always first in my mind...