Tuesday, March 29, 2011


My Web site is down for re-construction...trying to get it done ASAP...but if you have a web site you know how that goes.  Talk about wetness yesterday...did it rain?  YES!  Poured, actually... & we might break a 'record'...the MOST rain ever for March....yee gawds!...but I guess I still count myself l lucky, if that is all it is...ya' know, no flooding, no tornados, no fires, etc!  Living in the Northwest, we're rather lucky with our 'mild' weather. Tomorrow...I get back to creating...(today has been taxes) I know I'm late...but I hate numbers!
 ...this is a little sketch I did when I 1st got
Corel Draw...'experimenting'...we all need more time to do that!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


After reading over why I got this award...I see something new...
I forgot to do what it says if you get this...so here goes!

(Now this award comes with some Rules…..)

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Pay it forward to 15 bloggers that you have recently discovered.
4. Contact bloggers and tell them about their award!

Thank you to Manni...I adore her creativity  & I'd love to get my mouth on some of her yummy cupcakes...
  1. I wear only black & white
  2. I love popcorn...preferably at the movie theatre!
  3. I grew up very shy...until 13...then I took on the world!
  4. Favorite song..."oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day"...I cry every time I hear it...
  5. Can't live without cats & an occassional dog...one bonus is all the hair on my B&W clothes...LOL!
  6. I love to draw with COLOR!
  7. I love to sing LOUD!
My pick for 15 FAB Blogs that Inspire me...
I am giving this STYLISH BLOG AWARD to...


    Friday, March 25, 2011


    Welcome to PINK SATURDAY!
    Wow! what a week!  Oh, so sad to lose a Grand Lady like
    the Great & Talented Elizabeth TaylorThank you Elizabeth for
    all the wonderful gifts you gave us.  I thought that I'd pay homage
    to Hollywood & All the great Actresses that have been willing
    to share so much with us over the years...
    Yes...this is my little old sketch (one of the 1st ones I tried to do
    when I got a computer back in the 90's...eek!)...
    a little shaky, but I thought it was appropriate for today.
    Escape for a couple of hours...it might be just
    the 'trick' you need to get 'INSPIRED"!

    ANOTHER 2 other BLOGS that I posted to...

    I call these pieces "SPRING GONE WILD" Tote & Crayon Bag
    A little tote that my sister & I made for a niece of mine...
    (a couple years ago...)
    Her name is Claire, she is 6 going on 15 & has been fighting Cancer for 4 years...
    but is in remission at the present time!

    Thursday, March 24, 2011


    Banners done!  Ads done!  Signage done!  Now sissy & I are working on re-vamping my web site.  Let's see I've got to do biz cards...promotional piece...handouts...fabrics...product samples...Ok I guess I still have a few things to do.  But all in all I feel good about what I have done so far...ya know I think I could change my mind about what it all should look like every week, but fortunately one does have to say that's it & go with it!  The hard part about being creative is...you always have another idea.  I must NOT let my mind go there...I must forge ahead...be BOLD & CONFIDENT.

    a little bit of what 'inspires' me everyday...

    Wednesday, March 23, 2011


    GEEZ!  If you have a chance to take a computer class, that has to do with ART...take it!  Boy do I wish I had MORE know how in that department...I think today is the 6th or 7th time I've had to re-do my banners for Vegas.   All this darn, vector that, raster this, or rgb versus cmyk...YIKES!  I think my hair is getting whiter by the minute...(ok, I'm already there!)  : (
    It seems that I am always just too busy 'creating' to take a class...this summer, I swear, you can quote me, I, Deidre am taking a class on Photo shop!  

    I've got no problem coming up with ideas...or using my good old pencils & papers to get some wonderful images, but, & I do mean a BIG BUT...when I want to translate it to various products...like a gift box...I feel like I'm about 12 again.  I WILL GET THIS...
    thanks for letting me vent here.   I'm sharing with you a little of what these D*"#* Banners are going to look like....Have a good one!

    Friday, March 18, 2011


    It's here again...PINK SATURDAY!
    ahhh...and I'm feelin' oh so PINK!  How many of you remember the
    movie..."Flower Drum Song"?  Well, I just loved the song...'I enjoy being a girl'...& to my sister's dismay...I sang it a LOT & not quietly!  Actually, I grew up in a very artistic & musical family...while doing the dishes sissy & I would choose a current 'Musical' & sing at the top of our lungs...(it sure made doing dishes more fun!)
      Can you say "I'm gonna wash that man right outta of my hair"? < (SONG) 
    1. Name the Movie that the song above came from 
    2. Leave me some LOVE 
    3. Become a Follower of mine...
    & I'll send you a little "BAG-o-GOODIES!


    Frustrating couple of days!  I did an ad for a magazine...was so happy that I got it done early...but there was a snag!  I'm not the best at computer graphics...I'm learning stuff everyday.  I sent the ad in the wrong format...RGB...it should be in CMYK...when they sent me a proof, well it was horrible looking, talk about scared.  I know that there is a BIG difference in those two processes...but never did I think what I'd created was so off the mark...color-wise!  YUCK!!!  Ok...2 days later & I've re-done the whole ad...and I did it right...crossing my fingers that this will come out fabulously!!!  
    Think a movie will be just what I need tonite!  Going to see...Lincoln Lawyer, with yummy Matthew McConaughey?  Off to do some more creative...

    Wednesday, March 16, 2011


    Whoa...I honestly thought we were in the middle of an earthquake!  Around 9:00pm...while watching News on the Japan Disaster...out of the corner of my eye was a VERY BRIGHT LIGHT...then about 3-4 seconds later a BOOM!
    I swear it felt like something had hit my patio...the house shook...the animals went crazy.  After tuning to my news station they said that in my area of Portland we had a storm, that brought severe lightning strikes & a boom...
    DUH!  I was thinking that this might be it...with all that is going on.  But, fortunately, it was just a BIG A_ _ Storm passing thru.  It just makes me realize more & more how devastating the lives of the people in Japan have changed.  I count myself lucky & wish I could do more than just donate money...but I guess that is a start.
    Please go to RED CROSS and GIVE...

    Tuesday, March 15, 2011


    A couple of years ago...I was trying my hand  at
    creating a DOLL...I had fun & some frustration...
    did some 6 or 7 legs til I got them right...thank
    goodness Sissy can sew!   (see 2 of my 1st heads below).
    I'm  going to do one a DOLL for the Las Vegas show...I think of Millie.
    Ya' know the Boomer Babe...orange hair, glasses,
    strange body...can't wait!
    Wish me luck!

    Monday, March 14, 2011


    I'm closing in on finishing things for the SHOW!  YEAH!!!
    I feel good about what my Booth is going to look like...
    I think those 3 words sum up my style...my illustrations...my booth...
    My booth this time is a 10'x10'...corner booth.  So that means
    I'll have 2 walls to display my work & 2 open sides.  It seems
    everything costs this year...the chairs, tables, wifi, lighting...EEK!
    Today I'm working on my promotional piece (to be handed out
    to the press)...tomorrow, the postcard that people will take-away
    from my booth.  So, I'm off to get creative!
    Have a safe day...
    my thoughts are with all the 
    people & animals in Japan.  

    Saturday, March 12, 2011


    I think I found the reason I can't get to sleep, lately!
    I do tend to obsess about things...like is my Booth at
    the Show going to be fabulous or okay?  
    Or, is my latest creation going to be a hit?...
    But...the main obsession...is Chocolate!
    The obsessing is ALL it's (chocolates) fault...
    if it didn't smell so wonderful, if it didn't taste like heaven
    on earth...well, need I say more?
    Have an obsessive free weekend you all...
    EAT CHOCOLATE...it relieves all that ails you!

    Here's to All things GREEN...Happy St.Paddy's Day!
    one little corner in my bathroom...
    & a LOT of HOPE for all in JAPAN...


    Friday, March 11, 2011


    How 'bout a petite french chair..it makes me happy, makes me think of spring
    & all things french!   Just a little watercolor I did a few years ago...
    a series of everyday things...
    Think GREEN...

    Wednesday, March 9, 2011


    I love Hats...so did my Mom. Every Easter week, she would always
    'don' some wonderful flowery creation for the Ladies Easter Luncheon...
    Great memories of her in all her finery.
    Miss you...Love you, Mom.

    Monday, March 7, 2011


    I got an award!
    One of my new Blog Buddies & FABULOUS
    cake designer known as MANNI...
    ...gave it to moi...for having a "Stylish" Blog....
    I'm honored
    & oh so tickled!!!
    me HAPPY!thank you bunches...MANNI!
    LOOK at her SweeeeeeT Cupcake below!


    this is another of my little art pieces.

    "Captured Quotes" 2"x2" selling for $14.00
    I'm going to start an 'etsy' shop...so you can
    find ALL sorts of things that have my ART
    on them! Check it out in a couple of days!!!
    YEE HAW!

    Saturday, March 5, 2011


    I must interrupt this GREEN moment for a little PINK!
    Because it's PINK Saturday...here is my contribution to this really fun
    Blog that has us thinking
    PINK...every Saturday...check it out here!
    This is a mini piece of ART called 'Captured Quotes'...that I
    created with my artwork, words & quotes that mean are meant to
    inspire! Then I captured them all together between plexi glass &
    tied them up with an organza ribbon...they are yummy!
    (they measure 2"x2") they are for sale...in case you are interested...
    write me...deidre.mosher@gmail.com
    This says it all...SPUNK! Have it...be a trailblazer!
    Color outside the lines...

    have a SPUNKY DAY!

    Thursday, March 3, 2011

    I'm Green...

    Feel kinda yucky today...can't get my mojo working...
    seems I'm spinning in circles
    ...feelin' a wee bit GREEN!
    This wonderful serene pic I took a few years ago is just what I need...
    a little sun...a little bench...and a good little book.

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    Think GREEN!

    All month long I'm going to feature things that are green...
    2 of my favorite things...Elephants & Topiary.
    this is a photo I took driving around...don't ya
    love the moss?