Friday, March 18, 2011


It's here again...PINK SATURDAY!
ahhh...and I'm feelin' oh so PINK!  How many of you remember the
movie..."Flower Drum Song"?  Well, I just loved the song...'I enjoy being a girl'...& to my sister's dismay...I sang it a LOT & not quietly!  Actually, I grew up in a very artistic & musical family...while doing the dishes sissy & I would choose a current 'Musical' & sing at the top of our lungs...(it sure made doing dishes more fun!)
  Can you say "I'm gonna wash that man right outta of my hair"? < (SONG) 
1. Name the Movie that the song above came from 
2. Leave me some LOVE 
3. Become a Follower of mine...
& I'll send you a little "BAG-o-GOODIES!


  1. It was South Pacific...and my sister and I would sing that song doing the dishes as well. I sing "I Enjoy Being a Girl" when I'm doing house work and if hubby is home, I sing really! I loved Nancy Kwan and Miyoshi Umeki!

    Deanna :D

  2. Oops...I forgot...Muah!! Hugs, cuddles and lots of Luvin's!!

    Deanna :D

  3. who could ever forget 'South Pacific'? I remember doing that musical in school..... oh the memories! I am such a nut for any musical. hubby and I were talking about 'Brigadoon' the other day, and just tonight I was trying to get him to watch an Elvis movie with me.... but to no avail. oh well. I will just sing along with YOU! giggles!

    have a wonderful weekend!

  4. South Pacific! My sister and I would act it out and sing at the top of out lungs!
    I am visiting from Pink Saturday and I am a new follower of your bright colorful lovely world!
    Thanks for sharing your art!!!

  5. Happy Pink Saturday, Deidre. I am so glad you joined us. I clicked to become one of your followers, and I invite you to follow my flog, too.

    And, thank you for the smile you shared.♥♥♥ I like thinking of you and your sister singing. That song is definitely from South Pacific.

  6. It's South Pacific! I remember singing that song around the house. My Dad had the album. I'm also a Follower and miss being on your DT (sniff) So exciting to see all of your creations! Hugs, Cat
